I am half convinced that everyone on social media has anxiety disorder.

These do not disappoint. They come in a recycled box tied with twine and a lavender sprig, that screams, “i’m too pretty to open”.
-Next the Lavender salt scrub. I will admit, at first I was a bit disappointed. I am used to the salt scrubs where giant, grained crystals could just about strip the skin off my body.
This is different, it’s a super fine, sand-like texture. All I can say is, I’ve been doing it wrong for years! This is evident in how much it removed the streaks from yesterday’s awful self tanning job. I am Amazed.
– Handmade Lavender soap was next. I’ll come clean (pun intended), I never
use soap. I’m a child of bad television, and every time I see a bar of soap I think of that commercial where they write the words “soap scum” on the shower doors. I haven’t used a bar since. This is again, where I’m surprised, all I felt was the natural oils on my skin. Nice.
I may be a bit more open-minded going forward.